Nestle Collect Malta


The Nestlé Collect gift scheme in Malta is a reward scheme that allows consumers to earn gifts whilst contributing to help the environment. The Nestle Collect scheme is less popular than the Kwiksave Gift Scheme but still boasts a wide range of participating products. In this article we will take you through the Nestle Collect scheme, explain how it works and guide you to get the most out of it.

Nestle Collect Malta

The Nestlé Collect Story

The Nestle Group has been operating in Malta since around 1900. Founded and operated for many years in Cottonera, a subsidiary company, Nestle Milk Co Ltd, which was launched in 1923. The latter operated from Valletta. In 2007, the company moved to modern offices in Lija where they still operate till today. The scheme encourages consumer loyalty whilst embracing the collection of Nestlé packaging from consumers. This is a great inititiave by Nestlé as it rewards consumers for recycling as it is a way to facilitate the collection of Nestlé packaging.

How does Nestle Collect work?

The Nestlé collect scheme is about collecting the empty packaging of a wide range of consumed Nestlé products. These need to then be taken to the Nestlé consumer centre where they will be exchanged to Nestlé collect points. Once you reach specific thresholds of collect points, they can be redeemed for rewards such as vouchers, charity donations or specific household items.

You may visit the Nestlé Consumer Centre, Pantar Road, Lija during the following opening hours:

Monday to Thursdays from 8am till 3pm

Fridays and Saturdays from 9am to 12pm

Products in the Nestle Collect

As mentioned above, a wide range of Nestle products participate in the Nestle Collect scheme. These vary from coffee brands such Nescafé, including the Dolce Gusto range, That said, it seems that not all Nestle products that are available in Malta participate in this scheme. To be more specific, an example of nestle products that don’t seem to participate in the scheme are various Perugina products such as the Perugina Dessert Milk range. Nestle Collect provides the full list of exchangeable products. This may be found on their website within the collectables page.

How to Join Nestlé Collect

Joining the scheme is very easy. You may register online at via their registration page. You may choose to register either by using your Google or Facebook account or by completing the form. To submit the form you will need to enter the following details:

  • Name
  • Surname
  • ID Card Number
  • Gender
  • Email Address
  • Password
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Phone number

Once you complete the above you have two optional check-boxes to choose if you would like to receive marketing material from them. Lastly you will need to agree to their terms and conditions. Upon signing up you will receive 50 points instantly. You will be able to access your point balance online via your account.

What To Know

When you choose to benefit from the Nestle Collect scheme it is important to keep the following in mind:

  • Only products imported by Nestlé Malta Ltd can be redeemed. This means that parallel trading products are not eligible, even if listed on the collectables page.
  • Nestlé Collect introduced a three-tiered loyalty reward program which are Bronze, Silver and Gold. Bronze being the lowest and Gold the highest tier, you are able to climb from one tier to another depending on the different number of Nestle products you exchange for points. The higher the tier, the more gift options you will have available.
  • Nestle Collect are in collaboration with greenpak to recycle their packaging.
  • You will collect gifts at the Nestlé consumer centre.

Our Opinion

Whilst the Nestle Collect scheme is not the most advantageous reward program on the island but we are behind its mission. It is still a way of rewarding loyal consumers for using products they would still be purchasing. On a positive note, points you get can be exchanged for vouchers which gives a certain level of flexibility on how to make use of them. On a less positive note, it may take you quite some time to accumulate enough points that can be exchanged for a gift.


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