
About Fittex

Fittex, is a specialized search engine, that is manually curated to provide the best search results for Malta releted searches.

How we do it

As you may already know, the most popular search engine nowadays (and for many years to come) is Google. Therefore we decided to partner with Google to make use of their search technology to provide the most relevant results. On top of that we developed an extra level of relevancy by creating different search engines that relate to specific topics about Malta. These search engines contain a database of sites that are specific to each topic. These sites are chosen manually to provide the best search experience as possible.

In short, we combine the best search technology with manually curated results to provide the best experience to users that search about Malta.

Our Vision

To establish ourselves as the primary search engine for Malta related search queries.

Where we stand

Whilst we are constantly populating our search engines with relevant sites we are still in our early days therefore should you feel that we’re missing out on a website feel free to let us know by completing the form within our contact page.