
The beautiful archipelago of Malta boasts a rich history.  That dates back thousands of years.  One of the most fascinating aspects of Malta’s past is its prehistoric temples.  These unique structures stand as a testament to the island’s ancient civilizations. 

In this article, we delve into the enigmatic world of prehistoric temples.  Focusing on the highlights of the southern region of Malta.  From the awe-inspiring structures to the mysteries that surround them.  Join us on a journey through time as we uncover the secrets of Malta’s past.

The Temples of Malta: A Glimpse into Prehistory

The prehistoric temples of Malta are among the oldest freestanding structures in the world.  Predating the pyramids of Egypt and Stonehenge in England.  These remarkable temples were built by the Neolithic people of Malta.  A culture that thrived on the islands between 3600 and 2500 BC. 

Malta and Gozo have seven megalithic temples.  Most of which are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.  These places are managed by Heritage Malta.

The temples are characterized by their megalithic construction.  The term megalithic means large stone.  Hence, the reason these temples are referred to as the megalithic temples of Malta and Gozo.  Construction of each temple within the temple complex took place in phases.  Utilizing large stone blocks to create intricate structures. 

Builders in ancient times had limited resources.  Yet, they had an in-depth knowledge of the beauty of the Maltese stone.  Hence, these temples are considered to be architectural masterpieces.  These monumental buildings are a testament to an extraordinary prehistoric culture.  The decorative patterns carved in stones showcase exceptional craftsmanship.

Though all temples are different they all have the same concept.  A forecourt and curved facade.  The interior features chambers, passages and altars.  That served both religious and social purposes.  With the passage of time these temples became more detailed in their design.

Perched on top of majestic sea cliffs are two of the best conserved megalithic temples.  These are the temples of Ħagar Qim and Mnajdra.  By far, these are the most popular and visited temples.  To preserve them against the elements a large protective canopy has been erected to cover them.

Hagar Qim

Ħaġar Qim

Located on the southern edge of the island of Malta.  Close to the villages of Qrendi and Siġġiewi.  Ħaġar Qim is one of the island’s most iconic prehistoric temples.  Dating back to around 3600 BC.  It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  Ħaġar Qim stands as a testament to the architectural skills of the Neolithic people. 

One of the most intriguing features of Ħaġar Qim is the alignment of its entrance.  This being a trilithon structure located on its facade.  The entrance aligned with the sun during the summer solstice.  This suggests that the temple had a celestial significance. Serving as a place of worship or a calendar to mark important agricultural events.  The intricate carvings found within the temple depict spirals and other symbols.  Providing a glimpse into the religious beliefs and practices of Malta’s ancient inhabitants.

The stone used to construct the temple is soft globigerina limestone.  In ancient times, the temple had a roof.  Most likely made out of corbelled stone vaults.  But this has since collapsed.  

The temple complex of Ħaġar Qim consists of interconnected oval chambers.  It is unlike the other Maltese temples which have a cloverleaf shape layout.  The entrance leads to a forecourt which gives way to a passage that runs through the middle of the temple.   

In the first chamber situated on the left visitors can view an altar.  Adorned with plant motifs.  The second chamber has pedestal altars.    

On site people can visit the visitors centre.  This provides information on the temple’s structure.  Children can build a temple out of blocks.  

The “Fat Lady” and the “Venus of Malta” statues were discovered here.  Today, they are on display at the Museum of Archaeology in Valletta.



Next to Ħaġar Qim lies the Mnajdra temple complex.  The site consists of three adjacent temples.  Constructed at different times during the Neolithic period.  Dating between 3600 and 3000 BC. 

Each temple at Mnajdra has a trefoil floor plan but with a different orientation.  Renowned for its impressive megalithic architecture.  Mnajdra features massive stone slabs arranged with precision to create intricate structures.  This temple has intricate carvings on its stones, including spirals and animal motifs.  These provide insight into the symbolic language of the Neolithic people.

The Mnajdra temples are oriented towards the sky.  Aligned with the rising sun during solstices and equinoxes.  Showcasing the Neolithic people’s deep understanding of celestial events. 

Located on the right is the smallest temple.  This being the oldest one with small chambers.  Its orientation is towards the southwest.  The central temple is the last to be built and aligned to the southeast.  Its main feature is that it has four apses. 

Tarxien Temples

Moving further inland.  The Tarxien Temples offer a glimpse into the later phase of Malta’s Neolithic period.  Dating from around 3150 to 2500 BC. The Tarxien Temples stand as a testament to the evolution of temple construction and artistic expression. 

The Temples of Tarxien consist of three structures.  Each with its own unique features and purpose.  The central temple has a six apse plan.  Whilst the south temple has elaborate carvings. These temples are famous for their magnificent decorated stonework.  Adorned with intricate carvings that depict human figures, animals and spirals. 

Though forming part of the same temple complex.  Visitors can note the differences in construction.  The construction of the first temple consists of solid large stones.  More attention has been given to the construction of the second temple.  With motifs adorning its walls.  The third temple was not given its due consideration during construction.  But, most of its walls are enhanced with carved patterns.  

The Mysteries Surrounding Malta’s Prehistoric Temples

While much is known about the architectural features and artistic elements.  Many mysteries still shroud Malta’s prehistoric temples.  Like the purpose of the temples, the methods employed in their construction and the lifestyle of the Neolithic people.  These remains a subject of ongoing archaeological research.

Ritual Practices

One of the mysteries surrounding the ancient temples is the nature of the ceremonies conducted within these sacred spaces.  The alignment of temples with celestial events such as solstices. Suggests a connection to the Neolithic people’s agricultural calendar or religious practices.  Yet, the specific rituals performed at these sites remain elusive.  Leaving archaeologists to piece together clues.  From the carvings, artifacts and the temples’ architectural features.

Construction Techniques

Another mystery that continues to captivate scholars.  Relates to the megalithic construction techniques employed by the Neolithic people.  The sheer size and weight of the stone blocks raise several questions.  About how these ancient builders transported and lifted such massive stones.  Without the aid of modern machinery.  Theories range from the use of sledges and levers to human-powered cranes.  But the exact methods remain speculative.  Uncovering the secrets of these construction techniques is crucial. Not only for understanding the engineering prowess of Malta’s prehistoric inhabitants.  But, also for shedding light on their social organization and labour practices.

Social Organization

The social organization of Malta’s Neolithic communities is a subject of ongoing exploration.  The construction of elaborate temple complexes suggests a level of communal effort.  An organization that goes beyond simple agricultural societies.  The allocation of resources, the division of labour and the role of leadership.  Within these ancient communities remain areas of investigation.  By unravelling the social dynamics of the Neolithic people.  Researchers aim to gain a more comprehensive understanding of factors.  That led to the construction of these monumental structures.

Hal Salfieni Hypogeum

Highlights of Southern Malta: Beyond the Temples

While the prehistoric temples are the crown jewels of Malta’s archaeological heritage.  The southern region of the island offers a plethora of other attractions.  That provides a well-rounded exploration of Malta’s history and culture.

Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum

It is a UNESCO World Heritage site.  One of the most significant archaeological discoveries in Malta.  The Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum is evidence of the ingenuity of prehistoric civilizations.  Captivating visitors with its mysterious allure.  This subterranean complex was constructed around 3600 BC. 

The Hypogeum is a multi-level underground cemetery complex.  Also known as Catacombs.  That served various purposes over the centuries.  Including a necropolis and ritualistic space. 

Carved into the soft limestone bedrock.  The site has three levels of interconnected chambers.  Its intricate network of chambers and passages are adorned with symbolic motifs.  Its captivating acoustics create a mystic atmosphere.  Preserved human remains, artefacts and elaborate frescoes enrich the place further.  Depicted on its masonry are scenes from ancient life.  Like hunting and religious symbols.  

The Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum is a mesmerizing window into the ancient past.  Offering visitors a unique opportunity.  To connect with the rituals and beliefs of Malta’s early inhabitants.  Due to its delicate preservation needs, access to the Hypogeum is limited.  Only a stipulated number of visitors are allowed per day.  Book your visit online ahead of time. 

The Blue Grotto

Situated along the southern coast of Malta.  Visitors can marvel at the picturesque scenery.  The Blue Grotto is a natural wonder.  That captivates visitors with its crystal clear waters and magnificent sea caves.  The interplay of sunlight on the surrounding limestone causes the vibrant blue hues in the water.  These create a surreal and magical atmosphere.  Visitors can explore the Blue Grotto through boat trips.  That navigate the intricate network of sea caves.  Providing breathtaking views of the natural rock formations and underwater landscapes.

Marsaxlokk Fishing Village

The picturesque fishing village of Marsaxlokk located on the southern coast of Malta.  Offers a glimpse into the island’s maritime traditions and colourful local life.  Known for its bustling fish market.  Where local fishermen sell their catch of the day.  Bright coloured, traditional Maltese fishing boats dot the harbour.  In Maltese these boats are known as “Luzzu”.  They have distinctive painted eyes.  Believed to ward off evil spirits. 

At Marsaxlokk visitors can buy local souvenirs.  Like local honey and fruit jams, traditional sweets and lacework.  Or taste fresh seafood at the popular waterfront restaurants.  The village is also famous for its flea market which takes place on Sunday.  

Għar Dalam Cave and Museum

Għar Dalam means the Cave of Darkness.  For those interested in Malta’s paleontological history.  Għar Dalam Cave and museum provide a fascinating journey.  Into the island’s prehistoric past.  Located on the outskirts of Birżebbuġa.  This cave dates back to 5200 BC.  It contains layers of sediment that span thousands of years.  Preserving fossils of extinct animals.  The likes of dwarf elephants and hippopotamuses.  The adjacent museum displays artefacts and bones found in the cave.  Offering insights into Malta’s geological and ecological evolution.

Limestone Heritage Park and Gardens

It is a unique destination that offers visitors insight into the beauty of Maltese stone.  Besides its incredible history.  Nestled in the heart of Siġġiewi.  This park is dedicated to preserving and showcasing Malta’s traditional limestone industry.  A crucial element in the island’s architectural legacy.  The park features a restored limestone quarry.   Providing a glimpse into the quarrying techniques.  That has shaped Malta’s iconic buildings for centuries.  Visitors can explore the various exhibits.  Including a fascinating collection of tools and machinery used in the extraction of limestone.  The landscaped gardens surrounding the quarry enhance the experience.  Creating a serene environment.  Where visitors can appreciate the significance of limestone in Malta’s architectural identity.  The park also hosts cultural events and educational programs.   Making it a dynamic and informative destination for all ages. 

The Three Cities

The Three Cities being Vittoriosa, Senglea, and Cospicua.  These form a historic area on the eastern side of the Grand Harbour.  Rich in maritime history and architectural heritage.  These cities boast a charm that transports visitors back in time.  Narrow cobblestone streets and medieval architecture.  Too impressive fortifications characterize the Three Cities. Providing a glimpse into Malta’s strategic importance throughout the centuries.

Preparations for your Visit

A visitor can visit each site by car or public transport.  Or opt to join the highlights of the south guided tour.  Another option could be to take the Hop On-Hop Off bus.  But note that the ticket is only valid for the day. 

People visiting the prehistoric temples can pay the entrance fee on location.  Persons visiting several archaeological sites can buy the Heritage Malta Multisite Pass.  This is valid for 30 days from first use.  It can be bought online through the Heritage Malta website.  Refer to the following link  

Visitors opting for an organised tour enjoy the service of a knowledgeable tour guide.  Who will provide ample information about the prehistoric sites and other places of interest.  Most organised tours provide transfers to the meeting point.  Visitors will travel in an air-conditioned coach.  With all the admission charges to archaeological sites paid for.  Some tours cater for lunch which includes a glass of wine.  

When visiting the prehistoric temples keep in mind that you will be walking on rocky terrain.  Comfortable walking shoes are a must!          


Malta’s southern region is a treasure trove of archaeological wonders.  From the mysterious prehistoric temples that defy the ages.  To the natural beauty and cultural richness that characterize the island.  The prehistoric temples of Ħaġar Qim, Mnajdra, and Tarxien stand as silent sentinels.  Guarding the secrets of Malta’s ancient past.

As visitors explore the southern coast.  They are not only treated to the awe-inspiring remnants of a bygone era.  But also to the vibrant tapestry of contemporary Maltese life.  That continues to evolve against the backdrop of its storied history.  Whether drawn to the enigmatic temples or the coastal wonders.  A journey through southern Malta is a captivating odyssey.  That bridges the gap between the ancient and the modern.  Inviting all who visit to become part of the island’s enduring narrative.


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