The Malta Federation of Racing Pigeons: Championing the Sport of Avian Athletics
Racing pigeons have been captivating human fascination for centuries. In the small island of Malta, the sport finds its home in the Malta Federation of Racing Pigeons. With a rich history and a dedicated community. The Federation plays a pivotal role in organizing competitive pigeon racing. In this article, we will explore the origins of the Malta Federation of Racing Pigeons. Its contributions to the sport. The passion that fuels the avian athletes and their human companions.
The Origins of the Malta Federation of Racing Pigeons
Racing pigeons were used to communicate across long distances. Carrying messages during times of war or political unrest. Over time, the focus shifted to the competitive aspect of the sport. Where the birds’ natural homing instincts and speed were tested in organized races.
This sport was introduced to the island by the British in the 1940s. The first racing pigeon club, based in Sliema, was established by a group of British expats. Known as the Malta Racing Pigeon Club. With the first race taking place in 1947. At the time the pigeons used for the race were those used by the Army.
Pigeon racing began to gain popularity. The number of clubs was on the rise. This led to the Malta Federation of Racing Pigeons being set up. The Federation aimed to regulate and develop the sport. Bringing together pigeon fanciers from various local clubs under one governing body.
The Malta Federation of Racing Pigeons handles the organisation of all races. It applies for permits and takes care of transportation. Its council is made up of eleven voluntary members. All hail from local clubs.
The Federation has around 2,300 pigeon fanciers. At least 1,400 of these members race in 25 pigeon clubs. Which are located in Malta and Gozo’s towns and villages. Each club is to have at least 30 members. If numbers fall below the stipulated amount it has to be disbanded. Those fanciers still interested in this sport can join the nearest club.
Promoting the Sport of Pigeon Racing
The Malta Federation of Racing Pigeons plays a vital role in nurturing the sport. It organizes a comprehensive racing calendar that includes various events and distances. Catering to the diverse interests of pigeon fanciers. These races range from short-distance sprints to long-haul endurance challenges. With the pigeons covering hundreds of kilometers to reach their loft.
The Federation also ensures that fair play is upheld. By establishing rules and regulations that govern the sport. These guidelines cover various aspects. Such as loft standards, racing procedures, bird identification and race timing. By maintaining these standards, the Federation ensures a level playing field. For all participants and maintains the integrity of the sport.
The Malta Federation of Racing Pigeons also engages in educational initiatives. It conducts workshops, seminars, and training programs to educate new fanciers. Topics cover proper pigeon care, training methods and race management. These efforts aim to attract new enthusiasts to the sport. While ensuring that existing fanciers continue to improve their skills.

The Pigeon Athletes and Their Dedicated Fanciers
Behind every successful racing pigeon there is a dedicated fancier. One who invests time, effort and resources into their birds. The bond between fancier and pigeon is built through regular training sessions. Where the birds learn to recognize their loft and hone their racing instincts.
At the beginning of October fanciers start training their birds. This training is known as tossing. It is organised through clubs or through individual members. But, the farthest the birds can go during their training is to Gozo. Tossing does not take place only during that month. During the racing season fanciers still toss their birds. But they do it alone.
The training process involves the gradual increase in distance. Between the loft and the release point. Allowing the pigeons to develop their navigation skills. As the birds become seasoned athletes.
The Pigeon Athletes and Their Races
The Malta Federation of Racing Pigeons sets a limit to the number of pigeons per fancier per race. Any fancier can take part with 10 pigeons per race.
The racing season starts in November and runs till May. Races are held on a weekly basis throughout the season. The program starts with Short Distance Races. Pigeons leave from Pozzallo, Belvedere and Reggio Calabria. Towards mid January the season then progresses to Long Distance Races. These take place from Catanzaro, Metapunto, Bari and Manfredonia.
It is the Federation’s responsibility to transport the birds to the race points. Pigeons are placed in appropriate baskets on Friday at the fancier’s club. The latter takes them to the Federation’s transporters at Marsa. The pigeons are transported by sea to Italy. Then driven to the race point. On Sunday morning the pigeons are released. They make their way to Malta by travelling long distances. Their flight is over land and sea.
During these organised races, pigeons compete against each other. Whilst, the fanciers await their return. Monitoring race progress and rejoicing when their birds arrive home.
The Federation recognizes and celebrates the achievements of these avian athletes. As well as their human companions. It awards points based on each fancier’s team performance. Besides, awarding points based on the individual pigeon performance.
Throughout the season, each fancier and pigeon accumulate points. At the end of the season, the Federation rewards the best fancier for each race category in each club. As well as the individual pigeon for each race category in the club. The Federation then awards the best fancier and best pigeon in Malta. The prize for the best pigeon is a solid gold pigeon ring. The prizes acknowledge the skill, dedication and the bond between fancier and pigeon.

Challenges faced by Fanciers and Racing Pigeons
Like any sport, pigeon racing faces its share of challenges. Such as changes in environmental conditions. Air traffic and urban development have altered the racing landscape. Requiring fanciers to adapt their strategies. To ensure the safety and success of their pigeons. Attracting new participants and maintaining interest in the sport is an ongoing challenge.
In Malta, a major problem most fanciers face is the lack of adequate training space. Fanciers exercise pigeons once a day. For the most part, they are dependent on loft training to keep the pigeon’s fitness. Malta being a small island, the farthest a bird can go over land is around 20 miles. Hence, during their first race the pigeons are thrown in the deep end! Racing pigeons have to race at least 93 kilometres above open sea. To cross from Italy to Malta. This crossing is no simple task!
Racing pigeons in Malta face tough conditions. Geographic and weather conditions influence this sport. Consider that most of the racing season takes place during winter. Weather conditions play an important role in every race. Pigeons face high winds and variable weather.
Pigeons need to be at their best before each race. If not, there is a high probability that they will not return back.
In the majority of the races, pigeon returns vary from anywhere between 25% to 65%. Pigeon losses are high during the season. There is no resting place between Malta and Sicily. This makes it hard for several racing pigeons to reach home. Hence, each fancier has to breed a large quantity of pigeons per year. To have enough pigeons for the racing season. Also, pigeons may miss Malta being a small island. If this happens they will continue their journey till Tunis. This makes it very difficult for them to return alone.
The pigeons who survived the season are used only for breeding. Racing pigeons are bred for the sole purpose of international races. Pigeon fanciers pay particular attention when selecting breeding pairs to produce offspring. With the desired qualities of speed, endurance and navigational abilities.
Yet, despite these obstacles, the Federation remains steadfast in its commitment. To preserve and advance the sport of pigeon racing in Malta.
Future Prospects
Looking towards the future, the Malta Federation of Racing Pigeons continues to explore new avenues. To expand the reach of the sport. This includes embracing technological advancements in tracking systems. Allowing fanciers to track their pigeons’ progress in real-time during races. By leveraging modern technology, the Federation aims to enhance the racing experience. While ensuring the safety and welfare of the birds.
Furthermore, the Federation collaborates with international pigeon racing organisations. Participating in international competitions. Fostering relationships with fellow fanciers from around the world. This exchange of knowledge and experiences helps elevate the standards of racing in Malta. It allows local fanciers to benchmark their skills against global counterparts.
The Federation recognizes the importance of engaging the younger generation. To secure the future of the sport. Efforts are made to involve schools and youth organisations. Organising educational visits to pigeon lofts. Introducing young enthusiasts to the wonders of pigeon racing. By nurturing an interest in the sport from an early age. The Federation hopes to inspire the next generation of pigeon fanciers to carry on the legacy.
In conclusion, the Malta Federation of Racing Pigeons stands as a testament. To the enduring appeal and rich history of pigeon racing in Malta. Through its dedication to organising races. Promoting fair play and fostering a sense of community among fanciers.
The Federation plays a crucial role in preserving and advancing the sport. The bond between fancier and pigeon, forged through training. Competition and mutual respect is at the heart of this captivating pastime. As the Federation continues to face challenges and embrace new opportunities. It remains committed to ensuring that the sport of pigeon racing in Malta soars to new heights. Captivating the imagination of enthusiasts for generations to come.